CC 026 | Effectively Communicating The Power of a Chiropractic Adjustment – Interview with Dr. Dan Sullivan


This week on ChiroCandy, Billy sits down with Chiropractic Advocate, Dr. Dan Sullivan to discuss how to effectively communicating the power of a chiropractic adjustment.

Dr. Dan Sullivan is a chiropractor, speaker, author, and one of the most sought after health experts in the United States. He’s well-known for showing chiropractors the profound science and proof behind what they do to give them certainty in communicating to the public.

Dr. Sullivan’s simple and profound explanation and application will help every doctor deliver the truth to their community. Whether speaking publicly or teaching a new patient, the power of the message ignites with the truth and a vision. This truth has the power to change every clinic in every town.

Whether struggling or successful, all new or experienced chiropractors are empowered to bring life and hope to each and every community. Chiropractors are the most relevant healthcare provider in every community. It is time the world understands why!

Tips Discussed In This Episode

1. Be Bold and Certain
– Be ready and willing to have the talk.
– Be confident and willing to defend the profession
2. Know the science, not just the philosophy
3. Communicate To your Patients PCP (Primary Care Physician)
4. The Language of Today is Science
– Know the research
5. Explain That Spine is more like an organ fueling the brain, than a hard bone.

Tools Discussed

Ebook/Report: The Top 5 Scientific Studies Every Chiropractor Should Know


Other Tools:

FREE Marketing Strategy Session.– For a limited time, Billy is offering a free 30 minute strategy session.  This session is designed to equip you with a detailed, personalized action plan to take your practice to the next level.  The reason Billy is offering these strategy sessions for free is for a future course he's looking to offer.  To see if you qualify, simply click the link below to apply. (The reason for the application process is to weed out those who are not serious about the growth of their practices.)  Click Here to Apply