CC 043 | 5 Keys To A Successful 2016 – With Billy Sticker


This is a solo episode where Billy shares what he believes is ESSENTIAL for you to have a truly successful 2016.

In This Episode:

  1. Marketing Plan
    – Plan out a yearly marketing calendar
  2. Firm Grasp of Facebook Marketing and Strategies
    – No how to generate leads using FB, not just build brand awareness.
    [Content] Get AmpLIFEied:
    [Lead Generation Strategies] C4 – Join now for only $1:
  3. Take Full Advantage of Your Google Local Listing
  4. Write A Book
    Write it yourself [Instant Influencer Training] C4 – Join now for only $1:
    Let Billy write it for you: Contact Billy
  5. Relationship With THE Creator
    Jer 29:11
    John 14