100: Spinal Hygiene Movement – Interview with Dr. Tabor Smith

Learn How to Grow a Real Wellness Practice with Spinal Hygiene

Spinal Hygiene Movement

What can you expect inside?

Module 1) In this training video you will discover the importance of lifetime spinal hygiene, how to share this message with your community, how this will not only grow your practice, increase your patient retention, and position you as the authority, but it will also help propel Chiropractic to the next level in true health care.

Module 2) In this training video you will discover two very valuable spinal hygiene exercises called Spinal Molding and Spinal R.O.M Stretching. We’ll dive into the research on how Spinal Molding can help to maintain these lateral curves between chiropractic adjustments, and why the lateral curves of the spine are so important to the health of the spine. We’ll also look at the literature on the importance of maintaining proper range of motion in the spine. And you’ll see how sharing this information with your patients can build a huge awareness of lifetime spinal care.

Module 3) In this training video we will focus more on posture and it’s connection to Spinal Hygiene. We’ll dive into the science behind two more posture-improving Spinal Hygiene Exercises, we call Band and Wobble Exercises. You’ll be able to give your patients a simple set of procedures that keep them focused on maintaining the health of their spine.

Module 4) You asked, we delivered. In this module you'll learn the 8 steps to setting up more speaking events in your community. You'll learn what to say when you contact a place of business, how to schedule Lunch & Learn events, and how to close your presentations to maximize new patient exams in your office. You'll learn how to implement all of this while keeping the of Spinal Hygiene and Lifetime Spinal Care so your new patients will present for the right reasons and go from being symptom based to wellness based lifetime practice members.

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