CC 020 | Posture By Design – Interview With Dr. Krista Burns


All the way from Italy, this week we visit with posture expert, Dr. Krista Burns.

Dr. Krista Burns, co-founder of the American Posture Institute, is dedicated to being the world’s leading professional resource for Posture-related information, technology, products, and correction systems.

Dr. Burns has created and implemented a publicly recognized posture program called “Better Posture for Brighter Futures” which is being implemented in Italian schools. She is the Founder of “Posture By Design” Seminars which helps other healthcare specialists aspiring to become experts in posture learn the fundamentals of Posturology, and how to implement them into their practices. She is also the founder and President of the European League of Chiropractic Women, an organization dedicated to the advancement of women in the chiropractic profession.

In addition to her professional accomplishments, she has always had a love for fitness. Before entering chiropractic college Krista was a competitive member of the United States Freestyle Ski Team, and a qualifier for the US National Championships and North American Competition skiing circuit. Her love for sports continues today, as she is currently a nationally recognized fitness competitor in the category of Bikini Bodybuilding. In 2014 she was the Italian Grand Prix Overall Champion, she finished 3rd overall in the IBFA Bodybuilding World Championships, and 4th in the Italian Natural Bodybuilding Championships.

Discussed In This Episode:

Focusing On Posture:
1. Increased Patient Communication
– Understanding
– Knowing what to do next
– Referrals. they can explain it.
2. Posture Imaging
– They look at their images.
– They tell you what they see
– They take images home and show spouse.

3. Posture Workshops
– Speciality
– Market on social media, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.

Tools Discussed:
Posture Pro Software

FREE Gift! – Resource Guide: 24 Research Studies Every Posture Expert Needs To Know

American Posture Institute