CC 064 | Do You Food Test Your Patients? – Interview With Dr. Brandon Mannie


This week Billy Sticker talks with Dr. Brandon Mannie about how Dr. Mannie went from being fired 4 times in 2 years to having to open 4 practice to handle the patient volume of his own clinic after adding food testing for his patients.

Dr. Brandon Mannie is the founder and developer of which is a weight loss & functional medicine training platform for chiropractors. He has successfully implemented his innovative functional medicine protocols in over 100 clinics across the U.S.

The foundation of his systems & protocols lies in “Functional Food Testing” using FoodTest95™. He believes in objectively testing and customizing his patient’s food lists & nutrition is a major component in helping them achieve optimal health.

He also runs 4 functional medicine & weight loss clinics in the Minneapolis area. He resides in Lakeville, MN with his wife and 3 kids.

Are you currently using patient food testing in your clinic?

More From Dr. Brandon Mannie:

Get Started Food Testing Here: