CC 028 | The Next Generation Chiropractor – Interview with Dr. Patrick MacNamara


This week on chirocandy, Billy Sticker visits with Dr. Patrick MacNamara about the importance of blogging for the next generation chiropractor.

Dr. MacNamara is a blogger, chiropractor, Christ-follower, coffee lover, cyclist, husband, father, podcaster, public speaker,web designer and WordPress advocate.  After graduating from Logan College of Chiropractic in December of 1998, he founded, owned and operated MacNamara Chiropractic, PA, until February of 2005.

After selling his practice, Dr. MacNamara has concentrated entirely on teaching chiropractors the importance of Internet marketing.  His focus includes blog consulting, blog marketing, email marketing, Internet marketing, social media consulting, social media marketing, and social media training.
He’s been featured in the Dynamic Chiropractic, DC Practice Insights and Chiropractic Economics.

Keys Discussed In This Episode

  1. Be patient with yourself
  2. Continue to learn
  3. Don't lose the fire for Chiropractic

Within the first second of viewing a design – before even reading a single word – we have already determined our opinion about the quality and likely trustworthiness of what we are looking at.   – Jason Cranford Teague, Designer

More From Dr. MacNamara

Blogging Chiropractor: **You have to check the design of this site!**

Next Generation Chiropractor:

Other Tools:

FREE Marketing Strategy Session.– For a limited time, Billy is offering a free 30 minute strategy session.  This session is designed to equip you with a detailed, personalized action plan to take your practice to the next level.  The reason Billy is offering these strategy sessions for free is for a future course he’s looking to offer.  To see if you qualify, simply click the link below to apply. (The reason for the application process is to weed out those who are not serious about the growth of their practices.)  Click Here to Apply

Instant Influencer:  Writing a book can be one of the single greatest marketing tools you can use to grow your practice.  But not from the sell of the book.  As a matter of fact, I recommend you give them way. (Especially since I show you how to get them printed for about $2.25 each)  Your book can be used as lead generation tool to be given away at dinner workshops or health screenings.  It can be used for patient education, increasing your PVA.  It can also be used to help get you $1000’s of dollars in free publicity.  I have helped several chiropractors do just that.