82: Get Uncomfortable – Interview with Dr. Erik Brower


Today Billy sit's down with AMPED's Dr. Erik Brower.

Dr. Erik Brower is a Leader of the AMPED Mastermind Program and owner of Innate Chiropractic.  Dr. Erik has won countless awards and speaks nationally on team empowerment, family harmony, entrepreneurship,  office systems and both personal and business development.   Dr. Erik's mission is to bring Chiropractic to the for front in health care and to pave the way for future and current chiropractors to achieve unimaginable success.

Listen as Dr. Erik talks about the growth that comes when you get uncomfortable.

In this Episode: Get Uncomfortable!

Low weekly patient visits and high charges or

High weekly patient visits and lower charges…

They both require VALUE

Links Discussed:


Dr. Erik Brower on Facebook

Complete Headache/Migraine Marketing Campaign and training: http://chirocandy.wpengine.com/headachefunnel

The ULTIMATE Facebook Marketing Training: https://go.billysticker.com/webinar-registration