CC 016 | Effective Chiropractic Advertising – Interview with Dr. Michael Beck


This week we visit with Dr. Michael Beck of Ultimate Chiropractic Ads.

Dr. Michael Beck took his first practice from near bankruptcy to over $30k a month using new marketing strategies he learned from top marketing experts. These included chiropractic newspaper/magazine display ads, internet and email marketing, yellow pages, networking and more. Dr. Beck is also an experienced copywriter and has written successful copy for very high conversion websites and newspaper ads.

Dr. Beck is a graduate of Parker Chiroprctic a College,  President and owner of DC Practice Tools, LLC a developer of marketing tools for chiropractic doctors. He currently lives in the hill country of central Texas with his Proverbs 31 wife and 6 wonderful children.

Today Dr. Beck talks with Billy about effective chiropractic advertising.

Things Discussed In This Episode:

Focus: Marketing & Processing Patients

1.  What kind of patients are your favorite?
2.  Make learning how to market a Priority
3.  Set up 3-5 New Patient Streams


Find Dr. Michael Beck Online

Website: Ultimate Chiropractic Ads