CC 060 | Chiropractic World Domination – Interview with Dr. Liam Schubel


This week on ChiroCandy, Billy Sticker sits down with Dr. Liam Schubel to discuss chiropractic world domination.

Dr. Liam Schübel is a chiropractic ambassador to the world. He is a master of taking the chiropractic message to the mass media. He has been seen and heard by millions internationally via radio and television. He is co-author of the internationally acclaimed book CAST TO BE CHIROPRACTORS.

He speaks to and teaches tens of thousands of students and doctors around the world showing them the most powerful methods to communicate chiropractic to the masses. This lead him to Co-found one of the most successful chiropractic communications seminars in the world.

He is a regular speaker at the following chiropractic seminars:

Schubel Vision Seminars, IFCO Global Summit, Cal Jam, Edinburgh lectures, Mile High, Focus Oklahoma, United Chiropractic Association Seminars, New Beginnings, Life West Wave, Sherman and New Zealand Chiropractic College Lyceum, DE, and EPOC among many others.

He Co-founded a chiropractic mission trip experience like none other appropriately named in order to help doctors and students alike reconnect with their passion to serve the masses who so desperately need what chiropractic care has to offer.

He splits his residence between Freehold, NJ – USA , Forked River NJ – USA and Lima, Peru where he resides with his wife Parinda, his son Liam Jr., and his daughters, Maryanne and Star. “The Schübelnator”, as he is affectionately nicknamed on the international speaking circuit, is unstoppable when it comes to bringing principled chiropractic to the world.

More From Dr. Liam:

Schubel Vision Worldwide:

Book: Cast To Be Chiropractors

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