CC 045 | Chiropractic Patient Referrals From Medical Doctors – Interview with Dr. Jeffrey Langmaid


This week Billy Sticker sits down with Dr. Jeffrey Langmaid to discuss how to get chiropractic patient referrals from medical doctors.

Dr. Jeff Langmaid is the founder of The Evidence Based Chiropractor, the largest interdisciplinary outreach service in chiropractic.  His focus is on building referral relationships through research.  To get weekly chiropractic research updates and tips to build your practice join his free weekly newsletter.

In This Episode:

3 Steps To Getting Chiropractic Patient Referrals From Medical Doctors

  1. Communicate through patient case notes
  2. Get face-to-face meeting with referral doctor(s)
  3. Monthly follow up with peer review research

Case Notes For MDs – One Page

  1. Patient Name
  2. Date of service/treatment
  3. Diagnosis (code)
  4. Plan of care

Action Steps

  1. Target List of 50 Local Doctors
    75% PCP/Internal Medicine
    25% Subspecialty You're Interested in (Pediatric, Sports Medicine, Etc.)
  2. Verify List
    Names and Head Count of Physicians in-office
  3. Call to set up meeting
    “Dr.Smith & DrJones share (will share) several patients.  When is a time to schedule a meeting?”

More From Dr. Jeffrey Langmaid

Website: The Evidence Based
