90: The Texas Medical Association’s Attack On Chiropractic – Interview with Dr. Tyce Hergert


This week's episode is different than our traditional practice growth shows.  It is about the recent judge's ruling in the case againt the TMA (Texas Medical Association) and what it means for the future of chiropractic in Texas.

This interview is with newly elected president of the Texas Chiropractic Association, Dr. Tyce Hergert.

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More Tools:

The ULTIMATE Chiropractic Facebook Training  http://go.billysticker.com/fb-training

3 Step Headache Campaign  http://chirocandy.wpengine.com/headachefunnel

FREE Marketing Strategy Session.– For a limited time, Billy is offering a free 30 minute strategy session.  This session is designed to equip you with a detailed, personalized action plan to take your practice to the next level.  The reason Billy is offering these strategy sessions for free is for a future course he’s looking to offer.  To see if you qualify, simply click the link below to apply. (The reason for the application process is to weed out those who are not serious about the growth of their practices.)  Click Here to Apply