CC 069 | The Chiropractic Millionaire Maker Part 1of 3 – Interview w/ Dr. Erich Breitenmoser


Today you will hear part 1 of a 3 part interview Billy did with Dr. Erich Breitenmoser.

Dr. Erich Breitenmoser, “The Chiropractic Millionaire Maker” and founder of Practice Wealth.  From Switzerland, he has regularly seen over 1,000 patient visits a week. In addition, he has coached over 8,755 chiropractors all over the world. Dr. Erich’s “No B.S.” approach to practice is unique in a world of hype and can help any chiropractor see more new patients, work less hours and make more money in any economy.

In Part 1:

  1. Mindset
    1. Deserve it
    2. Believe it
    3. Above. Down. Inside. Out.
  2. Systems
    1. More patients
    2. Less hours
    3. More money
  • Phones
    • Answer live… always (answering service)
    • CA’s: Ask questions. Don’t answer questions.  Stay in control and book appointment.
    • Name
    • Number
    • How did you hear about us? ***Track marketing***
    • What’s going on with you? Hurting? How long?
    • Set appointment “Let’s even see if we can help you.”

More From Dr. Erich Breitenmoser: Over $597 in free practice building gifts!

More From Billy:  If You Want To 1) Write Your Book or 2) Generate Leads Using Facebook… I Will Personally Work With You To Make That Happen.