CC 034 | 3 Keys Of A Successful Chiropractor – Interview with Dr. Matt Hubbard


Today Billy is joined by Dr. Matt Hubbard to discusses 3 keys of a successful chiropractor.

Dr. Matt is former president of the California Chiropractic Association.  He is also a sought after speaker and chiropractic coach with an unbelievable passion for the profession.

A graduate of Westmont College, Dr. Matt Hubbard holds a BA in Kinesiology and Psychology and a Doctorate in Chiropractic from Life Chiropractic College West. In his chiropractic office he specializes in pediatrics, wellness preventative care and new forms of proactive progressive rehab. His back ground in sports training and human performance is what sets his unique ability and talent apart in the profession.

In 2004, Dr. Matt started Convoy Village Chiropractic, which is now True Chiropractic.  True Chiropractic is San Diego’s largest chiropractic office.  He has trained 100’s of doctors from around the world, and is expanding to multiple locations. Doctors from all over have come to shadow anywhere from one day, up to a year for specific training. Dr Hubbard’s program is called “Shadow Dr. Matt” and currently has a waiting list for this program.

From This Episode:

  1. If you are a chiropractor who has lost their way, Go Find It!
    – Hangout with passionate DCs
    – Desire to go to your practice!
  2. Establish Your Core Values and Principles
    – Write them down.
    – Share them.
    – Stand on them!
  3. Hardwork & Homework
    – Hard work = practice building
    – Home work = family building! Priority!

Tools Discussed:

CoffeeBreakMarriageAgenda Free PDF Download

Expectation Therapy By Art Costello (affiliate link to Amazon)

Power of Focus By Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen (affiliate link to Amazon)

Find Dr. Matt Hubbard:

Other Tools:

FREE Marketing Strategy Session.– For a limited time, Billy is offering a free 30 minute strategy session.  This session is designed to equip you with a detailed, personalized action plan to take your practice to the next level.  The reason Billy is offering these strategy sessions for free is for a future course he’s looking to offer.  To see if you qualify, simply click the link below to apply. (The reason for the application process is to weed out those who are not serious about the growth of their practices.)  Click Here to Apply

Instant Influencer:  (Currently 50% off) Writing a book can be one of the single greatest marketing tools you can use to grow your practice.  But not from the sell of the book.  As a matter of fact, I recommend you give them way. (Especially since I show you how to get them printed for about $2.25 each)  Your book can be used as lead generation tool to be given away at dinner workshops or health screenings.  It can be used for patient education, increasing your PVA.  It can also be used to help get you $1000’s of dollars in free publicity.  I have helped several chiropractors do just that.