10 Reasons Writing A Book Could Explode Your Practice

10ReasonsWhen it comes to growing your business, there are some things that will run consistent in any type of company.  A few of these items include generating leads, converting those leads to paying clients, generating referrals, keeping clients coming back, positioning yourself as the go-to-leader in your field, just to name a few.  Writing a book may be one of the single greatest tools you can use to help accomplish most of these key elements.

While there are many things that can help you grow your practice, writing a book could very well be one of the best ways. Several reasons for writing a book include:

Reason #1: Credibility. Being a chiropractor already gives you credibility, but what sets you apart from other DCs? If you write a book on your area of expertise, it can set you apart. All else being equal, people will choose the author (a recognized expert) nine times out of 10.

Reason #2: Free publicity. Being a doctor and an author can make it easy to get media attention. Your local media is always looking for quality content for their followers (TV, newspapers, local magazines, radio). You can write a press release and attract media attention worth tens of thousands of dollars in free exposure for you and your practice.

Reason #3: Patient education. One of the most important keys in patient retention is patient education. Your book could be a part of that education. A great report of findings coupled with a system of educating the patient throughout the course of their treatment is instrumental in getting a patient to follow through with care.

Reason #4: Patient retention. If a patient understands the reasons and benefits for continuing care, they usually will follow through with their care. If implementing a patient education plan using your book doubled your patient visit average (PVA), it would also double the value of that patient — which potentially means you could double your return on investment without seeing any new patients.

Reason #5: Marketing tool.When you self-publish, it is possible to get your books printed for $2 to $3 per book. It usually means ordering large quantities of 1,000 or more, but at that price you can give them out when you do talks and/or screenings, and maybe even use them as a door prize.

Reason #6: Referrals. Your patients will be proud and excited they go to the doctor that “wrote the book on …” You can pass your book out to existing patients and ask them to hand it out to friends and family to generate referrals.

Reason #7: Eliminate the competition. With your new systems in place (free publicity, patient education, patient retention, marketing, and referrals), your competition cannot compete. Becoming the recognized authority in your local market can set you above the other non-author chiropractors in town.

Reason #8: Legacy. The older we get, the more we want to leave our mark for generations to come. Can you imagine your great-grandchildren reading your book? Think about it, if your great-grandmother or father had written a book, wouldn’t you like to read it? Your book lives on long after you’re gone.

Reason #9: Increase profits. With new-found fame, comes the potential for increased profits — your PVA has almost doubled since you wrote your book, referrals are through the roof, and people are still calling from the TV interview they saw you on. There are new patients everywhere!

Reason #10: Fulfill a dream. Most people, when asked, admit they have always wanted to write a book. And of those people, many never will. It is a great feeling to hold your finished book in your hands — to know you have accomplished something many people only dream of.

For more information on writing a book to grow your practice, be sure to check out the brand new video here.

Go make a difference,


Billy Sticker

P.S.  I have written 4 books, most in as little as 3 weeks.  These books have helped me position myself as an expert, get articles published in national trade publications, land several interviews, speaking engagements, as well as a slew of consulting/coaching jobs.  If you want to learn more about writing a book, Click Here Now.  The course has been redesigned and updated for 2015!

